Average Joe's Tips

The Basics and More: Photo Booth


Basic Use:

Photo booth is an easy and fun app to use if you are having a party or hanging out with friends. To take a photo or movie all that you have to do is select the red button in the middle of the screen and a count down timer will apear. If you want to switch from photos to movies just go to the very left where you can choose from these options and another one where you can take four pictures in a row. If you want effects select the Effects button on the right hand side and scroll through the many affects they give you. Photos and movie shots taken will apear on the bottom.


If you have OSX Lion then you already know that you can make your applications full screen including Photo Booth by going to the top right hand corner of the window and clicking on the expand button. In doing this it takes you to a new screen and Photo Booth will be enlarged. Also, if you are looking for more Photo Booth Effects then you can look around on Google for sites that have what you want.


Photo Booth is a great way to have fun with friends because it is quick and easy. There is not very much to Photo Booth, but it’s simplicity keeps it user friendly to everyone.

Stay connected at my new twitter handle to stay updated 24/7 @TRMGaveragejoes and @realmacgenius What do you think? Let us know in the comment section.



One in six Macs run the new Mac OS X Lion

On September 01, 2011, Net Applications stated that Mac OS X 10.7, Lion, accounts for 1% of all desktop operating. This is based on desktops that connect to the Internet. Mac OS X accounts for 6% of all desktop operating systems connected to the Internet within the last month. Mac OS X Lion was released on July 20th. Lion is very close to Leopard’s usage. Approximately 1.2% of all desktop operating systems being used on the internet are Mac OS X 10.5, Leopard. Mac OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard, is still the most commonly used Apple desktop operating system. 3.5% of all desktop operating systems being used are Mac OS X 10.6. Users are starting to migrate to Lion ever since its release. Based on all this information, 6% of all desktop operating systems are running Mac OS X. This means that Lion accounts of 1 out of 6 Macs.

As Lion gains popularity, more people will migrate from Snow Leopard and older Mac operating systems to Lion. I think that 1 out of 6 Macs running Lion is a big step forward, since it has only been one and a half months since its release. Do you think Lion is a good improvement for Mac OS X? Is it worth the $29.99 to you? Feel free to leave comments or suggestions and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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An Ode to Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was more then the CEO of Apple. He was the one that started a trend for decades to come. With his innovative ways, Steve Jobs entered the technology world into a whole different category. iTunes, iMac, iPod, iPad, iPhone, all of these devices that Steve Jobs created, have been a huge success in the past decade and they won’t stop there. Not only will Apple miss Steve Jobs, but the world will miss Steve Jobs.


1,000,000 shares to stay at Apple

Apple’s board of directors has given the new CEO of Apple; Tim Cook 1,000,000 restricted stock units of Apple. Restricted stock units (RSU) are a form of equity compensation used in stock compensation programs. The RSU does not take into effect until the person is awarded them at a given time. The person who is awarded the RSU’s has the right to cash them or stock them. The board of directors did this to in order to have Tim Cook stay until at least 2021. Tim Cook will not get all of the shares at once though. He will receive the first half in August 2015. Then he will get the other half in 2021. Tim Cook will only get these shares if he stays with Apple. If Tim Cook stays with Apple and gets his 1,000,000 shares, he could possibly make over $383 million. With the market at where it’s at right now, it is uncertain if that number goes up or down.


Even though Steve Jobs’ has stepped down from CEO, he will still be an employee of Apple. Steve Jobs’ resignation last week was not unexpected. Jobs’ has had many health issues since he was CEO of Apple and while Steve Jobs’ was on medical leave, Tim Cook filled in for him. The suggestion that Apple will falter without Jobs’ is absurd.  When Jobs’ was gone in the beginning of the year, Apple was still going strong. Also, Jobs’ is still with Apple as chairman of the board of directors. Jobs’ has also set Apple up for the next decade or so to be a great company. I believe that just because Jobs’ is not CEO, this does not mean Apple will fall. Tim Cook will do an excellent job as the new CEO. I would also bet that Jobs’ will help Tim Cook if he asks for it.


iPhone 5 in October

Many people have been waiting to see if the iPhone 4S or iPhone 5 is coming out soon or not. There have been rumors that it’s going to be the iPhone 4S coming out this fall and that the iPhone 5 will come out in January 2012. But based on the recent news from BGR, the iPhone 5 will launch in early October. BGR has gotten information from one of their sources that the AT&T Vice President has told managers: “Expect things to get really, really busy in the next 35-50 days, so prepare your teams accordingly.” The iPhone 5 is expected to have an 8-Megapixel camera with full HD 1080p. It will also feature a 4-inch screen, new antenna location, and it will be only 0.28 inch thick. It may also have a dual core processor. Some speculate a 3D screen. There are also rumors that they will be equipped with NFC chips.

When it comes to U.S. phone carriers, we already know that Verizon Wireless and AT&T will sell the iPhone 5, but what is new is that Sprint and T-Mobile are said to also start selling the iPhone. If Sprint and T-Mobile do sell the iPhone, expect to see their data usage prices go up. Ever since Verizon has been selling the iPhone, they don’t give unlimited data anymore. On a recent article called AT&T to Throttle Unlimited Data, companies are throttling data usage. Companies are starting to not give unlimited anymore. Watch for Sprint and T-Mobile to stop selling unlimited data once the iPhone 5 comes to them. Sprint doesn’t have a top competitor smartphone like the iPhone, so it doesn’t have to worry about the data usage as much as AT&T or Verizon. Keep a look out for more iPhone 5 news on Comments or questions? Drop them below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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