The Real Mac Genius

Favorites of MacWorld 2010

At MacWorld, we were able to meet great people, and see awesome products. From the lucky people who were able to attend, we compiled our favorites from MacWorld 2010. We saw tons of iPhone/iPod Touch apps, Mac screens, cases, software, as well as iPhone and iPod touch items. We are very thankful that we were able to attend MacWorld 2010.

Nick: Just attending MacWorld was amazing enough. But, to be more specific, I enjoyed talking and meeting different Vendors, such as Codeweavers and CrashPlan. My favorite part of the day was talking with Matthew Dornquast (Interview to be up shortly), because he was able to answer programming questions that I could not find the answer. Also, walking around the Mobile Applications area was exciting in itself. Meeting developers of applications such as BeejiveIM and Microsoft Bing –  Though I am still an Apple lover. At the end of the day, I was intrigued with a projector gadget from Mili, that projects movies. At the end of the day, I wish we were able to stay longer, but next year we will.

Zander: I enjoyed seeing so many different vendors and seeing all this interesting material made for Macs.  I think one favorite thing was the screen protectors for my MacBook.  I always get frustrated with the glare on my computer sometimes and that is an easy fix without buying a new computer.  Finally, another interesting product I saw at MacWorld was the miniature Mili iPhone/iPod projector.  It was cool how a tiny case doubled as a projector.  It was a great experience for everyone at MacWorld.

Kyle: This was a great first Macworld for us. All of us had a great time but I found that our interview with CodeWeavers was the most memorable for all of us. I really enjoyed talking to Kanex about all of Apple’s flaws :). Kanex has been improving on all of the many flaws by creating many better alternatives to the basic apple cables. As our site grows, we will be able to expand and soon be able to attend Macworld more often and for more than one day, We hope to see everyone out there next year!