The Real Mac Genius

The Basics and More: Calculator



The Calculator app is a very self-explanatory app. It works like a normal calculator where you can select the numbers by keyboard or by mouse. The coolest thing about this app is instead of wasting time by opening the app you can go into spotlight (command + spacebar) and type in a math problem you have like 5 — 5, and under that in the spotlight search should come the answer from the calculator app.

Views and Converters:

Views and converters are the two more complicated features in this app. Views allows you to choose between three calculators: Basic, Scientific, and Programmer. To access Views you go up to the Top Menu Bar and click on views and underneath it will give you the options that were previously listed. It also gives you a few other options like viewing the history of what you clicked on in calculator called RPN.

The converters are a very useful tool in Calculator, which allows you to convert anything from money to time. To convert go to the Top Menu Bar and select Convert and the Drop Down Menu will show you a list of what it will allow you to convert, select one, and a screen will pop up on the calculator. Fill in the information for what you specifically wanted to convert. It might seem like nothing happened, but type in an amount on the calculator and press the equal sign and it will convert that number.


The Calculator app is another effective app given to us by apple. It also shows you that it is not just a calculator which many people think, but three different kinds of calculators, and a convertor.


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