The Real Mac Genius

Mac Security: Lock Your Screen When You are Away

Do you leave your Mac attended to get coffee or quickly talk to someone across the room. Instead of leaving access to your Mac when you are away, let’s enforce security from the spies around the office.

Keychain Access

One of the best ways to accomplish this is through Keychain Access (Applications>Utilities). Once Keychain Access is open, go into the preferences and check the box for “Show status in Menu Bar” a unlocked lock should appear in your Menu Bar. This will let you lock the screen easily from the Menu Bar.

System Preferences

Requiring a password after being awaken from the Screen Saver or sleep. This can be done in System Preferences (Applications). Once System Preferences has been launched, click on the “Security” pane. Then check the “Require Password after sleep or screen saver begins,” this will create a prompt requiring a password after being awaken.

Expose and Spaces

Though the Menu Bar lock may be helpful, triggering the prompt can be done by simply putting your mouse on any corner of the screen. Launch System Preferences, then click on the Expose and Spaces pane. In “Active Screen Corners” select from a drop down “Start Screen Saver”, the Screen Saver will begin once your mouse touches the corner, but make sure to wait a second.

Now your Mac should me a little more secure! Let us know how it works for you!