The Real Mac Genius

Insane Mac Home Office

Most kids have dreams of what they’ll do or be when they grow up: some dream of becoming doctors and curing cancers, others of becoming police officers and catching criminals. But, I do not know how many people dream of having a home office like Mitch. If they haven’t, they might well soon!

Because Mitch spends most of his time telecommuting with his coworkers, he decided to build a home office that fit his needs, and then some! This home office is amazing! It comes complete with small data center, snack bar, reading area and, of course, a place for his magnificent army of computers!

The envy of any computer geek, he has a Mac Pro with 12GBs of ram, 8TBs of storage and 3 video cards. That does not include his MacBook Pro connected to a 30″ monitor and a 80″ projector that he repaired! Over the top? NEVER!

Kindly enough, he has written a FAQ about his home office in case YOU want to remake his office.

Souce: Mac OS X Tips and Tricks